How to use TypeScript with Next.js?

How to use TypeScript with Next.js?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Next.js has emerged as a powerful React framework that simplifies the process of building server-rendered React applications. By combining its robust features with TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, developers can unlock a new level of efficiency and code quality. This seamless integration empowers you to harness the benefits of TypeScript's type safety and tooling support while leveraging the capabilities of Next.js.

As you embark on your journey to master TypeScript integration with Next.js, you'll discover a world of opportunities to streamline your development workflow, enhance code maintainability, and ensure a more robust application architecture. This article will guide you through the essential steps, best practices, and advanced techniques to help you unlock the full potential of this powerful combination.


So, you've heard all about TypeScript and its benefits, and you're ready to dive in, especially with your Next.js project. Great choice! TypeScript brings type safety, better tooling, and fewer bugs in the long run. If you're already familiar with JavaScript, transitioning to TypeScript in a Next.js environment is pretty smooth. Let's walk through the steps together.

Benefits of using TypeScript with Next.js

Incorporating TypeScript into your Next.js projects offers a multitude of advantages that can significantly enhance your development experience and the overall quality of your applications. Here are some of the key benefits:

Type Safety: TypeScript introduces static type checking, which helps catch errors during development rather than at runtime. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of bugs and improves code reliability.

Improved Tooling: TypeScript provides enhanced tooling support, including intelligent code completion, refactoring capabilities, and better navigation within your codebase. These features boost developer productivity and make it easier to maintain and refactor your code.

Better Documentation: TypeScript's type annotations serve as self-documenting code, making it easier for developers to understand the structure and expected inputs and outputs of functions, classes, and modules.

Scalability: As your Next.js applications grow in complexity, TypeScript's type system becomes increasingly valuable in managing and organizing large codebases, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Ecosystem Support: TypeScript enjoys widespread adoption and a thriving ecosystem, ensuring access to a vast array of third-party libraries and tools that integrate seamlessly with Next.js.

These benefits, you can write more robust, maintainable, and scalable Next.js applications while enjoying a smoother development experience.


Starting with a Fresh Next.js Project

If you haven't set up your Next.js project yet, it's best to start with the basics. Open your terminal and run:

npx create-next-app@latest my-next-app

You’ll be prompted to name your project (let’s call it my-next-app), and whether you want TypeScript support right out of the gate. If you choose "yes," Next.js will set up everything for you, and you can skip to step 4.

If you’re not starting from scratch or you opted out of TypeScript during setup, no worries—we’ll get you set up.

Adding TypeScript to an Existing Next.js Project

Already have a Next.js project? Perfect! Adding TypeScript is straightforward. Start by installing the necessary packages:

npm install --save-dev typescript @types/react @types/node

Once that’s done, create a tsconfig.json file in the root of your project. This file will tell TypeScript how to behave. The easiest way is to let TypeScript do it for you:

npx tsc --init

Next.js is smart enough to automatically configure a few things in tsconfig.json, but you might want to customize it to suit your needs later on.

Converting JavaScript Files to TypeScript

Now comes the fun part—turning those .js files into .ts or .tsx files. Here's how to go about it:

  • Pages and Components: Start with your pages and components. Rename your .js files to .tsx. This change tells TypeScript that these files contain JSX (or TSX) syntax.

  • Utility Functions: If you have utility functions that don’t use JSX, you can rename them to .ts.

Once you've renamed your files, TypeScript will start throwing errors if it finds any issues. This is where you’ll start seeing the benefits of TypeScript, as it will point out any potential type-related problems in your code.

Defining Types and Interfaces

TypeScript’s real power lies in its ability to define types and interfaces, which help you catch errors early. Let’s say you have a component that accepts props. You’ll want to define a type or interface for those props. Here's an example:

interface ButtonProps {
  label: string;
  onClick: () => void;

const Button: React.FC<ButtonProps> = ({ label, onClick }) => {
  return <button onClick={onClick}>{label}</button>;

In this example, we’re telling TypeScript that our Button component should always receive a label that’s a string and an onClick function that returns nothing (i.e., void). If you accidentally pass the wrong type, TypeScript will alert you.

Handling Server-Side Code

If you’re using Next.js, chances are you’re also handling some server-side logic with getServerSideProps or getStaticProps. With TypeScript, you can define the types for the props returned from these functions, ensuring they match what your components expect.

import { GetServerSideProps } from 'next';

interface HomeProps {
  data: string;

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<HomeProps> = async () => {
  const data = "Hello, TypeScript!";
  return {
    props: {

const Home: React.FC<HomeProps> = ({ data }) => {
  return <div>{data}</div>;

export default Home;

In this example, we’ve explicitly defined that HomeProps should include a data property of type string. This type is then used both in getServerSideProps and the Home component, creating a consistent and type-safe data flow.

Dealing with Third-Party Libraries

Using third-party libraries in your Next.js project? TypeScript can handle that too. Most popular libraries have type definitions available through DefinitelyTyped. You can install these types using npm:

npm install --save-dev @types/library-name

If a library doesn’t have types, you can still use it by telling TypeScript to trust you using the any type, though this should be a last resort since it bypasses TypeScript’s safety.

Linting and Formatting

Keeping your codebase clean is essential, especially in TypeScript, where strict type definitions can sometimes make code a bit verbose. ESLint and Prettier are your best friends here. To set up ESLint with TypeScript in Next.js, you can follow these steps:

npm install --save-dev eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

Then, create or update your .eslintrc.json file:

  "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint"],
  "extends": [

For Prettier, you can install it along with some TypeScript support:

npm install --save-dev prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier

Then, add Prettier to your ESLint configuration to avoid conflicts:

  "extends": [

This setup will help you maintain a consistent code style and catch potential issues before they become bugs.

Running and Building Your Project

Once you've converted your code to TypeScript, it's time to see it in action. You can start your Next.js development server just like before:

npm run dev

If TypeScript finds any issues, it’ll let you know. But don’t worry; the errors are usually pretty descriptive and will guide you to the solution.

When you're ready to deploy, just build your project as you normally would:

npm run build

TypeScript will automatically check your types during the build process, ensuring everything is in order before you go live.

Using TypeScript with API Routes

Next.js allows you to create API routes that run on the server-side, and TypeScript can help you ensure these routes are robust and error-free. Let’s look at an example where you define an API route to handle a POST request.

First, create a new API route:

// pages/api/hello.ts
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";

export default function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  if (req.method === "POST") {
    const { name } = req.body;
    res.status(200).json({ message: `Hello, ${name}!` });
  } else {
    res.status(405).json({ message: "Only POST requests allowed" });

In this example, NextApiRequest and NextApiResponse types are imported to ensure that the request and response objects are correctly typed. This gives you better autocompletion and catches errors if you mistakenly try to access properties that don’t exist.

Type-Safe Data Handling

When dealing with incoming data in API routes, you want to make sure that it conforms to expected types. You can define an interface or type for the expected data structure:

interface Data {
  name: string;

export default function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  if (req.method === "POST") {
    const body: Data = req.body;
    res.status(200).json({ message: `Hello, ${}!` });
  } else {
    res.status(405).json({ message: "Only POST requests allowed" });

Here, we’re explicitly telling TypeScript that req.body should match the Data interface. If req.body doesn't match this structure, TypeScript will throw an error, allowing you to handle the issue before it reaches production.

Implementing Type Guards and Utility Types

As your project grows, you’ll encounter scenarios where the types of variables aren’t straightforward. This is where type guards and utility types come into play.

Type Guards

A type guard is a function or condition that checks the type of a variable. For instance, when dealing with a union type, you might want to narrow it down to a specific type:

type Animal =
  | { species: "dog"; bark: () => void }
  | { species: "cat"; meow: () => void };

function isDog(animal: Animal): animal is { species: "dog"; bark: () => void } {
  return animal.species === "dog";

function handleAnimal(animal: Animal) {
  if (isDog(animal)) {
    animal.bark(); // TypeScript knows this is a dog
  } else {
    animal.meow(); // TypeScript knows this is a cat

Here, isDog is a type guard that tells TypeScript exactly what type animal is within the if block. This allows you to safely access properties specific to that type.

Utility Types

TypeScript comes with a set of built-in utility types that make it easier to work with complex types. Some common ones include:

  • Partial T: Makes all properties in T optional.
  • Required T: Makes all properties in T required.
  • Pick T, K extends keyof T: Creates a type by picking the properties K from T.
  • Omit T, K extends keyof any: Creates a type by omitting properties K from T.

For example, if you have a User type but want a version where only the id and name are required:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email?: string;
  age?: number;

type UserName = Pick<User, "id" | "name">;

const user: UserName = {
  id: 1,
  name: "John Doe",

Utility types like these are invaluable for keeping your types flexible and maintainable, especially in larger projects.

Working with Context API in Next.js with TypeScript

Next.js and TypeScript also play nicely with React’s Context API, allowing you to manage state across your application with type safety.

Here’s how you can set up a basic context:

import React, { createContext, useContext, useState, ReactNode } from 'react';

interface UserContextProps {
  user: string;
  setUser: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string>>;

const UserContext = createContext<UserContextProps | undefined>(undefined);

export const UserProvider: React.FC<{ children: ReactNode }> = ({ children }) => {
  const [user, setUser] = useState<string>('');

  return <UserContext.Provider value={{ user, setUser }}>{children}</UserContext.Provider>;

export const useUser = (): UserContextProps => {
  const context = useContext(UserContext);
  if (context === undefined) {
    throw new Error('useUser must be used within a UserProvider');
  return context;

In this example, UserContextProps defines the shape of our context, including the state and its updater function. The useUser hook ensures that context consumers receive the correctly typed values. If you try to use useUser outside of a UserProvider, TypeScript will throw an error, helping you avoid potential runtime issues.

Integrating TypeScript with Next.js Middlewares

Next.js middleware functions run before a request is processed by the route handler, and they’re also fully compatible with TypeScript. You can define custom types to ensure that your middleware behaves as expected.

For example, consider a middleware that checks for an authenticated user:

import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse, NextApiHandler } from "next";

export function withAuth(handler: NextApiHandler) {
  return (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
    const { authorization } = req.headers;

    if (!authorization) {
      return res.status(401).json({ message: "Unauthorized" });

    // Add your custom auth logic here

    return handler(req, res);

// Usage in an API route
export default withAuth(function handler(
  req: NextApiRequest,
  res: NextApiResponse,
) {
  res.status(200).json({ message: "You are authenticated" });

In this case, withAuth wraps around the actual API handler, ensuring that every request passes through the authentication check. By typing the handler function as NextApiHandler, TypeScript ensures that the wrapped function conforms to the expected API route signature.

Handling Errors with TypeScript

When dealing with errors, especially in an API context, it's important to maintain clear and consistent types. You can define custom error types and use TypeScript’s try-catch block to handle them effectively.

class ApiError extends Error {
  public statusCode: number;

  constructor(message: string, statusCode: number) {
    this.statusCode = statusCode;

// Usage in an API route
export default async function handler(
  req: NextApiRequest,
  res: NextApiResponse,
) {
  try {
    // Some async operations that might fail
    throw new ApiError("Something went wrong", 500);
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof ApiError) {
      return res.status(error.statusCode).json({ message: error.message });
    return res.status(500).json({ message: "Unknown error occurred" });

In this scenario, ApiError is a custom error class that includes a status code along with the error message. When catching errors, TypeScript can ensure you handle each error type appropriately, preventing unhandled exceptions from slipping through.

Deploying a TypeScript-Based Next.js Project

When it’s time to deploy your TypeScript-based Next.js project, the process is almost identical to deploying a JavaScript-based project. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Build Pipeline: Ensure your CI/CD pipeline is set up to run TypeScript checks (tsc) as part of the build process. This ensures that your code is type-safe before it reaches production.

  • Environment Variables: TypeScript can’t infer types from your .env files. To avoid issues, you can declare the types of your environment variables:

    declare namespace NodeJS {
      interface ProcessEnv {
        NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL: string;
        NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY: string;
        // Add other environment variables here

    Adding this to a .d.ts file in your project, you ensure that TypeScript knows about your environment variables and can catch any typos or misconfigurations.

  • Monitoring and Error Reporting: Integrate with services like Sentry or LogRocket that support TypeScript for monitoring and reporting errors in production. These services can help you catch and debug issues that TypeScript might not catch at compile time.


TypeScript features and benefits for Next.js development

TypeScript offers a wealth of features that can significantly enhance your Next.js development experience. Here are some of the key features and benefits:

Type Annotations: TypeScript allows you to define types for variables, function parameters, and return values, ensuring type safety and catching type-related errors during development.

Interfaces and Classes: You can define interfaces and classes in TypeScript, promoting code reusability, encapsulation, and better organization of your codebase.

Generics: TypeScript supports generics, enabling you to create reusable components and functions that can work with different data types.

Type Inference: TypeScript can automatically infer the types of variables, function parameters, and return values based on their usage, reducing the need for explicit type annotations in certain scenarios.

Strict Mode: TypeScript's strict mode enables additional type checking and enforces best practices, helping you catch potential issues during development.

Tooling Support: TypeScript integrates seamlessly with popular code editors and IDEs, providing features like intelligent code completion, refactoring tools, and inline error detection, which can significantly boost your productivity.

These features, you can write more robust, maintainable, and scalable Next.js applications while enjoying a smoother development experience.

Advanced TypeScript integration techniques in Next.js

As you continue to master TypeScript integration with Next.js, you may encounter more advanced scenarios that require additional techniques and best practices. Here are some advanced techniques to consider:

Typed API Routes: Next.js allows you to create API routes for handling server-side logic. With TypeScript, you can define types for request and response objects, ensuring type safety and better code organization.

Typed Redux Integration: If you're using Redux for state management in your Next.js application, you can leverage TypeScript to define types for actions, reducers, and state, promoting code consistency and maintainability.

Typed GraphQL Integration: Next.js supports GraphQL integration out of the box. By using TypeScript, you can define types for your GraphQL queries, mutations, and data models, ensuring type safety and better tooling support.

Typed Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Next.js provides server-side rendering capabilities, and with TypeScript, you can define types for the data fetched during the server-side rendering process, ensuring consistent data structures throughout your application.

Typed Higher-Order Components (HOCs): HOCs are a powerful pattern in React for reusing component logic. With TypeScript, you can define types for the input and output components of your HOCs, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Typed React Hooks: React hooks are a powerful feature in React for managing state and side effects. By using TypeScript, you can define types for your custom hooks, ensuring type safety and better code organization.

Typed Next.js Plugins and Utilities: Next.js provides a rich ecosystem of plugins and utilities. By leveraging TypeScript, you can ensure type safety when using these third-party libraries and tools, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors.

These advanced techniques, you can unlock the full potential of TypeScript integration with Next.js, enabling you to build more robust, maintainable, and scalable applications.

Best practices for TypeScript and Next.js development

To ensure a smooth and efficient development experience when working with TypeScript and Next.js, it's essential to follow best practices. Here are some recommended best practices:

Strict Mode: Enable TypeScript's strict mode to catch potential issues and enforce best practices during development.

Consistent Naming Conventions: Establish and follow consistent naming conventions for variables, functions, interfaces, and other code elements to promote code readability and maintainability.

Modular Code Organization: Organize your code into modular and reusable components, services, and utilities, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Type Aliases and Interfaces: Utilize type aliases and interfaces to define complex data structures and promote code consistency throughout your application.

Documentation and Comments: Document your code, interfaces, and types using comments and TypeScript's built-in documentation features to improve code understanding and collaboration.

Code Linting and Formatting: Integrate code linting and formatting tools, such as ESLint and Prettier, to enforce code style guidelines and maintain a consistent codebase.

Testing: Implement comprehensive unit and integration tests for your Next.js application, leveraging TypeScript's type safety to ensure code reliability and catch regressions early.

Continuous Integration and Deployment: Set up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline to automate the build, testing, and deployment processes, ensuring a smooth and efficient development workflow.

You can maximize the benefits of TypeScript integration with Next.js, resulting in a more robust, maintainable, and scalable codebase.



No, you don’t have to rewrite everything at once. You can gradually migrate your project by renaming .js files to .ts or .tsx and addressing type errors as you go. TypeScript allows for incremental adoption, so you can convert parts of your codebase over time.

Yes, you can mix JavaScript and TypeScript in the same project. This flexibility allows you to convert your codebase to TypeScript gradually. However, for the best developer experience, it's recommended to eventually transition fully to TypeScript.

.ts files are used for TypeScript code that does not include JSX syntax, while .tsx files are for TypeScript code that includes JSX. Use .tsx for React components and .ts for other TypeScript files like utility functions.

Next.js uses TypeScript's type checker (tsc) during development to ensure your code is type-safe. If there are any type errors, they will appear in the terminal or in your code editor, depending on your setup.

When you create a Next.js project with TypeScript, Next.js automatically generates a tsconfig.json file with some default settings. You can customize this file according to your project's needs, but for most projects, the default configuration is sufficient.

Common issues include mismatched types, forgetting to install type definitions for third-party libraries, and not fully defining the types for server-side functions like getServerSideProps. These can be addressed by carefully typing your code and using TypeScript’s extensive tooling.

You can declare the types for your environment variables in a .d.ts file within your project. This helps TypeScript understand the expected types of the environment variables, reducing the chance of runtime errors due to misconfiguration.

Yes, TypeScript works well with Next.js API routes. By typing your request and response objects, you can ensure that your API routes are type-safe. This improves both the development experience and the reliability of your API.

If a third-party library doesn't have TypeScript types, you can either write your own type definitions or use the any type as a temporary solution. Alternatively, you can check if the community has created type definitions for the library under the @types namespace.

Using TypeScript with Next.js offers several benefits, including improved type safety, better autocompletion, early error detection, and enhanced code readability. These features lead to fewer bugs, more maintainable code, and a smoother development experience.

Conclusion and further resources for mastering TypeScript integration with Next.js

Mastering TypeScript integration with Next.js is a journey that empowers you to build robust, scalable, and maintainable React applications with enhanced type safety and tooling support. Throughout this article, we've explored the benefits of using TypeScript with Next.js, covered the setup process, delved into TypeScript features and advanced integration techniques, and discussed best practices for seamless development.

As you continue your journey, remember to embrace the power of TypeScript's type system, leverage its advanced features, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the Next.js and TypeScript ecosystems.

To further enhance your Next.js development skills, explore the wide range of resources available on nextjs. This website offers a wealth of information, tutorials, and best practices specifically tailored for Next.js developers, helping you stay ahead of the curve and master this powerful framework.

TypeScript integration with Next.js and continuously expanding your knowledge, you'll be well-equipped to build modern, scalable, and maintainable web applications that stand the test of time.

useful references to help you dive deeper into using TypeScript with Next.js

1. Next.js Official Documentation - TypeScript

  • This is the go-to resource for integrating TypeScript with Next.js. It covers everything from initial setup to advanced configuration options.

2. TypeScript Official Documentation

  • The official TypeScript documentation is comprehensive and well-organized, providing in-depth information on TypeScript’s features, syntax, and best practices.

3. TypeScript Handbook

  • This handbook is a great starting point for understanding the fundamentals of TypeScript, especially if you're transitioning from JavaScript.

4. DefinitelyTyped GitHub Repository

  • This repository contains type definitions for thousands of JavaScript libraries. If you’re working with a library that doesn’t have built-in TypeScript support, you’ll likely find its type definitions here.

5. React TypeScript Cheatsheet

  • A handy resource for React developers using TypeScript. It covers common patterns, best practices, and tips for working with TypeScript in a React/Next.js environment.

6. TypeScript Deep Dive by Basarat Ali Syed

  • This is an extensive, open-source book that goes into great detail on TypeScript. It's a fantastic resource if you want to master TypeScript and apply advanced techniques in your projects.

7. ESLint and TypeScript Integration

  • The official site for typescript-eslint, the tooling that enables ESLint to work with TypeScript. It provides guides on setting up, configuring, and troubleshooting ESLint in TypeScript projects.

8. Advanced Types in TypeScript

  • This section of the TypeScript documentation dives into more advanced type features, such as utility types, type guards, and generics, which can be very useful in complex Next.js projects.

9. Next.js API Routes with TypeScript

  • Learn how to use TypeScript to create type-safe API routes in Next.js. This part of the documentation explains the essentials and provides examples to get you started.

10. TypeScript Node Starter

  • A boilerplate project that demonstrates how to set up a Node.js project with TypeScript. While it's not specific to Next.js, it's helpful for understanding how TypeScript can be integrated into server-side projects.
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